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Settled and Pre Settled Status for EU Citizens

Britain has left the European Union, consequently, as of January 1st 2021, the right of EU citizens to work and live in the UK has been abolished. EU citizens can enter the UK without a visa, for short 90-day visits with their EU passports. However, those who wish to work and settle in the UK are required to apply for a visa.


EU citizens currently living in the UK need to apply for a pre-settlement in order to maintain their work and residence permits. If they have not done so, they must apply before the the 30th June 2021 deadline. In the event an EU citizen misses the deadline, they will lose their right to work and reside in England.

The rights of those who have applied before the deadline will not be affected.

Who Can Apply?

EU citizens who entered the UK before 31st December 2020 can apply for a pre-settlement.

What Are the Opportunities It Provides?

With this application, an EU citizen is granted a 5-year residency permit which allows the individual to substitute with one of the qualified person statuses: worker, self employed, student, and self-sufficient.

Individuals who have completed 5 years with one or more of the qualified person statuses gains the right of permanent residency and subsequently gain the right to apply for UK citizenship.

Can an application be made for family members who are not EU citizens?

EU citizens living in the UK can apply for family reunification for their spouse and children who are not EU citizens. This visa is issued for 6 months and allows the non-EU dependent to enter the UK and apply for a 5-year pre-settlement residency. The deadline for this application is June 30th 2021. After this date, family reunification applications will not be made unless they fall under relevant exceptions.

What We Offer

As Lex Legal we carry out all family reunification processes for both EU and non-EU citizens spouses and children. For further information contact us by phone, Whatsapp, e-mail or visit us at our office.

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