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What İs The Global Talent Visa

Global Talent Visa, although the abolition of some visa types with Brexit appears, at first, to be a negative situation, the UK is trying to close this gap by introducing various types of visas. One of which includes the Global Talent Visa.

This type of visa appears to have the same purpose as the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa, however it has more flexible terms. The purpose of this visa is to create a certain intellectual base and preserve cultural diversity within England by allowing talented and successful immigrants to acquire the Global Talent visa. However, it should be noted that the talent sought in this visa is extraordinary and with a world-renowned reputation.

The areas covered by the Global Talent Visa includes:

  • Science Social Sciences
  • Engineering Digital Technology
  • Art

The application process comprises of two stages:

1. First of all, you should get an endorsement letter from the endorsement body determined by the UK Ministry of Internal Affairs, regarding your competency in your relevant. In order to acquire this endorsement letter, you must provide supporting documents.

Approval boards composed of experts:

  • Sciences: The Royal Society
  • Engineering: The Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Social Sciences: The British Academy
  • Digital Technology: Tech Nation
  • Arts and Culture: Arts Council England for research applicants: British Research and Innovation Agency (UKRI)

2. Once you receive an endorsement letter, you must apply for an entry visa to the UK. To apply for the Global Talent Visa, you must be 18 years or older.

If you are applying from outside the UK, it will generally take 3 weeks for the results to be announced, and 8 weeks if you are applying from within the UK. You can receive your visa in a shorter time by paying a fee.

The earliest date you can apply for this visa is 3 months before the date you plan on arriving. For example, if you want to go to the UK on 15th April, you can apply on 15th January at the earliest.

Flexibility with the Global Talent Visa:

  • You can choose how long your visa will last, for up to 5 years. If you are in the talented category, you have the right to apply for an indefinite session once you have completed 3 years, and if you are in the promising talent category, once you have completed 5 years.
  • You can be an employee, self-employed or a company manager, there is no limitation in this regard.
  • You do not have to inform Home Office about workplace changes i.e., when you take a break from work or when you terminate your job.
  • You can take your spouse and children with you as dependents and they will have the right to work and study in England.
  • The minimum salary and language proficiency requirement prevalent in other visa types is not expected in under the Global Talent visa. However, you cannot request any state aid.
  • You do not have to look for a sponsoring company to apply for this visa.

Global Talent Visa fees are as follows:

  • Endorsement Letter £456
  • Visa Application £152
  • Visa fee for Turkish citizens is £97
  • Healthcare Surcharge £624 yearly. If your spouse or children are to come, an additional £608 for each family member is required.

You can contact us if you intend to apply for this visa or if you require further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Process

Applications can be made both from outside the UK and within the UK by switching the current visa (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 5, Start-up migrant, Innovator) to Global Talent Visa. For this visa, applicants need to pay two separate fees for the 2 stages of this process:

  • Stage 1 – endorsement: All main applicants must pay the £456 fee to get an endorsement when applying for the first time or switching to this visa category (without any imbursement of the endorsement fee).

Applications will be reviewed by an organisation that’s related to the applicants’ qualifying field, called an ‘endorsing body’.

The endorsing bodies are:

  • The Royal Society, for science and medicine
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering, for engineering
  • The British Academy, for humanities
  • Tech Nation, for digital technology
  • Arts Council England, for arts and culture
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), for research applicants

If your qualifying field is fashion, architecture or film and television, Arts Council England will pass on your application for review to:

  • British Fashion Council, for fashion
  • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), for architecture
  • Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT), for film and television
  • Stage 2- visa application: Applicants need to pay £152 for the visa application. For the ones applying from Turkey or Macedonia, this fee is decided as £97.

What You Can Do With Global Talent Visa

Applicants can apply this visa to stay for between 1 and 5 years. They can apply to extend their visa as many times as they like, and each extension can last from 1 to 5 years. Moreover, the applicants can apply for settlement once they have been in the UK for 3 years.

You can:

  • work - for an employer, as a director of a company or be self-employed
  • change jobs without telling the Home Office
  • do voluntary work
  • travel abroad and return to the UK
  • bring family members with you

You cannot:

  • get public funds
  • work as a doctor or dentist in training
  • work as a professional sportsperson or sports coach

Family Members

The applicants can bring their partners, children under 18 and children over 18 if they’re currently in the UK as a dependant. For each dependant, the applicants need to pay £608.

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