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Outline of Fiancé Visa

The applicants who would like to apply for Fiancé Visa must show proof of their genuine relationship. The pivotal stance of France Visa is that your intended time period of visit cannot exceed 6 months. In case you need to stay more in the UK, depending on your circumstances, you can apply for an extension to your visa.

Things to Know

Firstly, the applicants must elaborately prove that they are in a genuine relationship and they would like to get married or register a civil partnership within a short period of time. This is stated as 6 months after arrival of the UK, latest. There might be exception to this rule which entirely depends on your situation and circumstances at the time of your application. Under Fiancé Visa application scheme, you should bear in mind that you will not be able to work during your engagement. This is one of the most import things to consider before applying to Fiancé Visa. Also, applicants must take into consideration that their stay in the UK with Fiancé Visa does not count towards their 5 years of continuous stay to be able to apply for an indefinite leave to remain in the UK. If you are applying from North Korea, different rules apply, Please contact us to get more information.

Who Can Apply?

The applicants must be over 18 and must apply 3 months before their intended travel time to the UK, earliest. If the applicant are planning to register a civil partnership or get married in the UK, they must provide additional documents. The documents to be asked can vary depending on your own unique circumstances. You can send us an email or give us a call explaining your situation and get a free initial consultation. Lexlegal Immigration conducts its works complying with GDPR, without an exception.

What Do We Offer?

The applicants must be over 18 and must apply 3 months before their intended travel time to the UK, earliest. If the applicant are planning to register a civil partnership or get married in the UK, they must provide additional documents. The documents to be asked can vary depending on your own unique circumstances. You can send us an email or give us a call explaining your situation and get a free initial consultation. Lexlegal Immigration conducts its works complying with GDPR, without an exception.

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