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The fearful dream that everyone is whispering from ear to ear these days is that if they apply for a visa from Turkey, their application will definitely be rejected. Unfortunately, although there are some negative thoughts affecting the results of visa applications in the UK and European countries, a correctly made application, properly prepared application documents and right statements play the biggest role in the positive outcome of your visa application.

If we look at the common reasons for refusal in your visa application and you prepare your application with these reasons in mind, you will have a very high chance of getting your visa application approved.

The main reasons for refusal of a visa are as follows:

Incomplete or Incorrect Documentation

One of the main reasons for refusing entry to the UK is missing or incorrect documentation. This can include incomplete forms, insufficient evidence to support your application or providing false information. It is important to provide complete and accurate descriptions of the documents to be submitted at the application stage.

Insufficient Financial Resources

Another common reason for visa refusal is insufficient financial resources. UK immigration authorities want to ensure that applicants have sufficient resources to support themselves while in the country, and it is important that the source of this financial income is clear and its stability can be demonstrated.

Negative Visa History

If you have applied for a visa in the past, any previous immigration offences, including previous visa refusals or overstays, may affect your application. If you have previous immigration problems, immigration authorities may consider you a higher risk and refuse your application. It is important to be transparent about past issues and to explain or provide evidence of your changed circumstances.

Purpose of Visit

The purpose of your visit to the UK must be consistent with the type of visa you are applying for. If there are inconsistencies between the stated purpose and the supporting documentation, your application may be refused. If you are travelling for tourism, business, education or to visit family, it is important to ensure that your application accurately reflects your intentions and that you provide supporting documentation.

Visa/Migration Compliance

This includes meeting certain eligibility criteria such as holding a valid passport, having no criminal record and complying with visa conditions. It is important that you check and comply with the immigration rules relevant to your application to avoid having your application rejected.

Honesty and Reliability

Because of the importance of declaration, particularly in the UK, the authorities will assess the credibility of applicants based on a number of factors, including their travel history, loyalty to their home country and the consistency of their statements. If they have concerns about your credibility or intentions, your application may be refused. It is important to provide reliable and honest information.

Security Concerns

Security concerns play an important role in the visa application process. If the authorities believe you are a security risk or have links to criminal or terrorist activity, your application may be refused.


Be honest in your application, provide the correct documents and follow the immigration rules to make your application as smooth as possible. If your application is refused, you may be able to appeal the decision or reapply, addressing the reasons for the refusal.

With a carefully prepared application form, followed by detailed explanations and the correct documentation, you can manage your visa application process once you have been approved. You can enjoy your visit to the UK.

Halil İbrahim Koca

Immigration Adviser